2019 barn owl nest box plans and instructions site selection before installing a barn owl nest box be sure the property is appropriate.
Barn owl box plans uk.
Barn owl nestboxes in the uk should be placed inside rural buildings that overlook open habitat.
More complex designs may be found on the internet some of which are designed for particular locations such as for mounting on a tree or a telegraph pole.
If you have questions about whether a barn owl box would be appropriate in your location you might begin by browsing the section where to place the box.
However owl boxes that big would be very difficult to erect and more expensive to build.
Feisty baby barn owls.
Since many barn owls are killed by road traffic it is best not to put up owl boxes close to motorways and main roads.
This downloadable cutting plan is for a design that is fairly easy to construct and is for use indoors.
Tawny owl nest box cutting plan front roof back side side door side base 150 175 370 550 800 275 275 560 270 285 220 110 600 230 tawny owl strix aluco clutch size.
Ideal barn owl boxes would be much bigger.
Barn owls need open areas like fields and meadows in which to hunt.
The dimensions given in the owl box plans below must be treated as the minimum required size.
The hawk and owl trust is a national uk charity that is dedicated to conserving owls and other birds of prey in the wild and increasing knowledge and understanding of them.
Avoid urban suburban dense forest and high mountain areas.
A full 1 metre from the bottom of the entrance hole to the bottom of the box and with a floor area of at least 1m x 1m.
Barn owl nest box design.
1 per year j f m a m j j a s o n d e y seasonality of nests with eggs e and young y derived from.
Barn owl nest box plans.
In urban areas barn owls do well as long as there are hunting grounds nearby like parks ball fields golf course cemetery.
Barn owls are specially protected by law and so it is illegal to disturb them close to their nest.
Occupied nests even your box should only be visited by someone who holds a licence.
Foreword to the 2010 original the barn owl box plan documented herein was developed by steve.
Make an exterior nestbox.
28 30 days chicks fledge at.
Hanging the nest box.