A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
Bad pool header windows 10 won t boot.
Now it is time for you to take a few steps back.
The bad pool header error can occur in windows when there s a problem with physical memory in the computer.
No recovery options work.
Now click on change settings that are currently unavailable.
This error usually occurs after you ve installed new hardware or software usually the antivirus software that.
To sum up you should undo any changes.
A bad pool header issue is caused due to problems with windows memory allocation.
Earlier this day i ve got a bad pool header crash.
This time i saw the spinning cirkel and below there it said.
Check mark should disappear.
Archived forums windows 10 general.
In this video i will show you how you can easily resolve the bad pool header blue screen error in windows 10.
I ve had this happen more than once but normally the pc will just reboot and everything would be fine.
How to fix bad pool header in windows 10.
Windows 10 won t boot up after bad pool header crash.
5 fixes for the bad pool header blue screen error in windows 10 update all drivers temporarily disable third party antivirus applications disable fast startup disconnect external devices check for faulty ram.
The bad pool header blue screen error means the.
Unplug your external devices.
After pushing the power on button the starting windows message appears for a while and then there is a quick message about a bad pool header.
Below are some of the more common ways to fix this error.
Go to the control panel.
Problems with a hard drive or ram such as the inability to process tasks utilizing the hard drive or ram can cause this error.
The first fix to be carried out implies disconnecting all your external pieces of.