Hath baneya na ditte hak hathan.
Bad lyrics sidhu moosewala.
Mera changa time aaya ho main kode kar lai.
Maahde time ch si jehde ankha kadh de ni.
Mera changa time aaya oh main kodde kar lae.
Oh low ki rehna si subaah mud ton.
Sidhu moose wala bad lyrics bad lyrics written by sidhu moose wala song sung by sidhu moose wala music by dev ocean and music label by speed records.
Kaiyan nu si bend ni main godde kar lae.
Bad lyrics verse 1 low key rehna c subaah muddh ton kayiaan nu c bend ni mein godhe karr laye maarhe time ch c jehrre akhaan kadd de ni mera changa.
Ho low ki rehna si subah mudd ton.
The music video of the bad song is directed by tru makers.
Maahde time ch si jehde akhan kad de ni.
Sexy si sidhu moose wala.
Bad lyrics has sung by sidhu moose wala with music of this latest punjabi song given by dev ocean and bad song lyrics also written by sidhu moosewala while song video is directed by tru makers.
The punjabi song is sung by sidhu moosewala and has music by dev ocean while sidhu moosewala has written the bad lyrics.
Maahde time ch si jehde akhan kad de ni.
Bad sidhu moose wala.
Bad sidhu moose wala.
The music of this song is given by dev ocean.
Kaiyan nu si bend ni main godde kar le.
This song directed by dilsher singh khushpal singh and released by speed records.
Oh low ki rehna si subaah mudd ton kaiyaan nu si bend ni main gode kar.
Home sidhu moose wala bad.
Hath baneya na ditte hak hathan vich ni.
The music of this song is given by dev ocean.
Produced by dev ocean.
Bad lyrics sidhu moosewala.
Ni main bad ho gaya changeyan da kare saali use duniya tanhiyon hunda hunda hunda ni main bad ho gaya bad guy i said that s the bad guy oh gabru da chalda ae daur dekh le chaun wale seege jehde pehlan cha laye ho lafzan naal kitti badmashi mithiye chakk li kalam saare muhre laa laye ho moose wala lau gin gin badle ho ni jo dabke je side ho gaya.
Bad song lyrics by sidhu moose wala is a brand new punjabi song with music given by dev ocean.
Bad lyrics sidhu moosewala.
Kaiyan nu si bend ni main godde kar lai.
Hath banneya na ditte hakk hathan vich ni.
Home punjabi bad lyrics sidhu moose wala.
Kaiyan nu si bend ni main godde kar lai.
Posted on october 22 2020.
Mera changa time aaya oh main kodde kar le.
Presenting the lyrics of the song bad sung by sidhu moosewala.
Mera changa time aaya ho main kode kar lai.
Si sidhu moose wala.
Lyrics of the song are written by sidhu moose wala himself and music video directed by tru makers.
Bad song lyrics sidhu moosewala bad is new punjabi song sing by sidhu moosewala and music is composed by dev ocean whild lyrics are penned by sidhu moosewala.
Sid si si sidhu moosewala.
Bad lyrics sidhu moosewala.
Presenting the lyrics of the song bad sung by sidhu moosewala.
Bad lyrics sidhu moosewala.
Ho loki rehna si subah mudd ton.