House of capet.
Baldwin brothers family tree.
The family tree listed here should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative.
Three of the four brothers daniel william and stephen appear in the oliver stone film born on the fourth of july.
15 dec 1929 3 elizabeth baldwin b.
Alec baldwin was married to actress kim basinger in 1993 and two years later they became parents to a daughter.
Franco baldwin 1982 present jacqueline hayes deceased 4.
The actor adam baldwin shares the same surname but is not related to the family.
He was youngest of three brothers who came to in 1682 sons of william baldwin of hook norton.
The baldwin family are american relatives who.
25 mar 1897 20 may 1969 ruth noble 30 oct 1898 30 oct 1968 2 alexander rae baldwin jr.
Like others in the cluster all three show the rare and therefore distinctive value.
The baldwin brothers comprise one of hollywood s best established show biz families.
Karen wexler born 1975.
15 oct 1955 charles keuchler 4 john keuchler.
Comprised of brothers alec daniel billy and stephen the star siblings all took turns stealing the show in various film and television.
This is a family tree of the counts of flanders from 864 to 1792 when the county of flanders was annexed by france after the french revolution.
No descendants of the second brother john 1661 1732 have yet been tested.
Alec daniel william and stephen.
Edward atwater says that nathaniel joseph and timothy baldwin were brothers sons.
Baldwin i 830s 879 r.
26 oct 1927 15 apr 1983 carol martineau b.
He does however refer elsewhere to the great host in new england with the surname baldwin.
Adelolf count of boulogne.
Like many famous fams the barrymores the sheens the douglases etc their prominence spans generations.
The baldwin brothers are an unusual story in show business.
1 alexander rae baldwin sr.
Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person.
The baldwin family includes four brothers.
Died 2003 heather webber 4.
Lee baldwin meg bentley deceased 3.
Arnulf i 890 965 r.
Savage does not identify any relationship between these two brothers and nathaniel baldwin lot 7 timothy baldwin lot 22 or joseph baldwin lot 52 nor between any of these last three all of whom settled in 1639.
In cluster 4a are three descendants of the oldest brother thomas 1657 1731 all three descended through his son anthony born 1689 90.