Die arolsen archives sind ein internationales zentrum über ns verfolgung mit dem weltweit umfassendsten archiv zu den opfern und überlebenden des nationalsozialismus.
Bad arolsen archives.
As the town had hardly suffered any damage it also offered a good infrastructure.
As part of the world s documentary heritage the largest archive on the victims of nazi persecution should be accessible to as many people as possible.
You may search the complete holdings in the online catalogue.
Overall there are 16 miles of shelves holding information about the victims of the nazis.
The arolsen archives are an international documentation center on nazi persecution and the liberated survivors.
Why are the archives located in bad arolsen.
It contains documents on the various victim groups targeted by the nazi regime and is an important source of knowledge.
The arolsen archives are not subject to national data protection directives but to specific international provisions.
The archives contain 50 million pages housed in thousands of filing cabinets in six buildings.
The collection has information on about 17 5 million people and belongs to the unesco s memory of the world.
Sie beinhaltet dokumente zu den verschiedenen opfergruppen des ns regimes zur zwangsarbeit sowie zu displaced persons und.
This is why the arolsen archives are publishing more and more of their holdings online.
It is located 45 km west of kassel and has a population of around 16 000 people.
The world s most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of national socialism preserves documents about concentration camp prisoners foreign forced laborers and the postwar registration of displaced persons dps.
Bibliothek welcome to the arolsen archives digital library.
Die sammlung mit hinweisen zu rund 17 5 millionen menschen gehört zum unesco weltdokumentenerbe.
The its holocaust archive in bad arolsen germany contains the fullest records of nazi persecutions in existence.
What is the its bad arolsen holocaust archive.
The arolsen archives are an international center on nazi persecution with the world s most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of national socialism.
Bad arolsen is a small town in the hesse region of germany.
It contains selected publications from our presence library.