Important info if you have received a stop code if you received a blue screen error or stop code the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from data loss.
Bad pool header windows 8 1.
Most of the times when booting.
If this screen appears again follow these steps.
Below are some of the more common ways to fix this error.
Recover windows to an earlier copy.
Windows 8 has ms windows defender built in which is a combination of microsoft security essentials mse and windows defender of windows 7.
Bad pool header if this is the first time you ve seen this stop error screen restart your computer.
The bad pool header bug check has a value of 0x00000019.
Problems with a hard drive or ram such as the inability to process tasks utilizing the hard drive or ram can cause this error.
Most of the times when booting.
This indicates that a pool header is corrupt.
Solucionar el error bad pool header o caller de pantalla azul.
This indicates that a pool header is corrupt.
By now windows 8 and 8 1 users should have fixed this error but if windows 7 users have failed get rid of this bad pool header problem with above methods then you need to reinstall windows.
Hi since last few days my pc is crashing randomly with blue screen saying bad pool header.
Código de stop 0x00000019 o 0x19.
Important info if you have received a stop code if you received a blue screen error or stop code the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from data loss.
Repararlo en windows 7 xp 8 8 1 windows 10 o vista.
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
That with the free malwarebytes anti malware as an on.
The bad pool header bug check has a value of 0x00000019.
The bad pool header error can occur in windows when there s a problem with physical memory in the computer.