Of employers offering wellness programs 67 reported increased employee satisfaction 66 reported increased productivity 63 reported increased financial sustainability and growth and 50 reported decreased absenteeism.
Benefits of corporate wellness programs statistics 2019.
Research suggests that employers save on average 5 82 in lower absenteeism costs for every dollar spent on employee wellness programs.
In a survey more than 60 percent of employers said workplace wellness programs reduced their organizations health care costs.
The study lasted only 18 months.
16 more resources to design your workplace wellness program.
Meta analyses have produced varying estimates of benefits relative to costs.
Employee wellness programs can do much more than just.
Consistent with prior research we find that lifestyle management interventions as a component of a wellness program can reduce risk factors such.
2 wellness programs reduce elevated health risks the foundation of any good wellness program must be focused on.
6 8 experimental studies of comprehensive wellness programs have been scarce and have produced mixed results with most of the more rigorous studies.
The findings of the report show that worksite health promotion continues to grow in america.
Ifebp 54 of benefits professionals cite employee morale as their most improved metric from implementing wellness programs.
With the power you need to boost employee engagement and grow roi from one central spot you ll impact the health and wellbeing of your.
If you re looking to clarify the roi of your program a consolidated employee experience solution is what you re looking for.
3 5 observational studies have often been limited by a lack of valid control groups selection bias and small samples.
5 workplace wellness statistics every employer should know 1 wellness programs improve employee health behaviors the core of every good wellness program is behavior change.
Research has shown that workplace wellness programs have proven benefits both for employers and employees.
In the conclusion of a workplace wellness programs study report published by rand health quarterly researchers write.
Worksites offered some type of health promotion or wellness program in 2017 according to a new study published today in the american journal of health promotion external icon.
The worksites without a wellness program had relatively high rates of self reported health behaviors.
A longer term study might find more benefit for the wellness program.
This is just one of many findings in an aflac summary of current benefit.
Employee wellness programs increase healthy behavior and curb the risk of lifestyle related disease.
Almost half of all u s.
Here s a list of impressive statistics about workplace wellness programs.
Workplace wellness statistic 5.
61 of employees agree that they have made healthier lifestyle choices because of their company s wellness program.