Migros bank ag konto chf.
Begünstigter bank.
While many companies that send you bills tell you what to put there some do not.
It usually consists of 8 to 11 characters that adds bank identification to the details provided by the basic bank account number or bban swift has been renamed bic which stands.
Swift identifies the payment beneficiary s bank.
In german that is either called kontoinhaber or begünstigter.
Ch39 0840 1000 0624 7789 7 swift.
I ve always just put the company name into that field.
Weil die durchschnittliche bank buch zwischen 12 00 und 14 00 uhr zeit hat.
Die überweisung begünstigter anforderung wurde aufgehoben.
The bank designated to receive the funds transfer.
Suggest as a translation of begünstigter bank copy.
Similarly the beneficiary s bank would be liable to pay interest to the beneficiary of the credit transfer for any delay exceeding the agreed time scale.
When doing a bank transfer in germany and probably by now other countries that have euro with iban and bic you have to give a beneficiary.
Look up words and phrases in comprehensive reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online.
Zahlungsempfängers begünstigter an den zahlungsdienstleister des zahlungsempfängers bank des begünstigten zu übermitteln.
Translate texts with the world s best machine translation technology developed by the creators of linguee.
überweisung begünstigter kann storniert werden wenn das sternchen noch vorhanden ist.