Bed bugs tend to be shorter and rounder than cockroach babies.
Bedbug baby roach.
However a baby cockroach may look very similar considering their size and color is almost the same.
While bed bugs are brown or reddish in color and have a more oval and flat shape.
Introducing a few cockroaches to a bed bug colony may help you get rid of some bed bugs but it is quite impossible to eliminate an entire colony.
What does a baby roach look like.
Bed bugs also look a bit like a cockroach nymph.
They are both often reddish brown wingless and rather oval shaped.
A bed bug will have distinct eyes that stick out from the rest of its body.
An adult cockroach will not look like a bed bug in any way.
Because of their strong physical resemblance homeowners fail to recognize baby roaches and think that there is no cockroach infestation and that it is.
Bed bugs multiply fast and just in a few days their numbers can grow considerably.
One of the main differences between these bugs are the eyes.
To distinguish a baby cockroach vs bed bug take a closer look at the body shape and the antennae.
Bed bugs are sometimes mistaken for cockroach nymphs especially baby german roaches.