In this case the base plate may be designed as follows.
Base plate design example.
Base plate material is a36 steel and concrete compressive strength is 3 ksi.
3 1 2 on page 16.
M n 0 95d 2 n b 0 80bf 2 3.
Determine plate cantilever dimension m or n in direc tion of applied moment.
K min sqrt a 2 a 1 2 1 50.
L 0 244.
A 1 b x n 2 6e 05 mm 2 pedestal area.
Tw design examples have been presented.
Typical column bases as shown below consist of a single plate fillet welded to the end of the column and attached to the foundation with four holding down bolts.
Example 11 design of a column base plate.
A 2 b c x d c 5 9e 05 mm 2 csa a23 3 14.
L n l sqrt d x b f 4 18 7 mm.
A w10 x 49 column is supported by a concrete pier whose top surface is 19 inches x 19 inches.
B 4 1 design procedure for a small moment base 1.
10 equati ns f static equilibrium and the lrfd specifi 11 0 in.
I divide the factored column load by the design bearing strength of concrete and find the area of the base plate.
Design a base plate given that the column dead load is 100 kips and live load is 150 kips.
N d 2 3 in b bf 2 3 in 2.
Design of column base plates.
Design of the base plate thickness critical section location s mm stress at the critical section location s sc s c y s y mpa design critical moment at critical section m ed plate s sc s 2 s 3 s c s 2 s 2 3 b kn m m ed plate s c y 2 s y 3 b kn m.
Select a convenient width of the base plate.
Gusseted welded base plate.
2 2 base plate design for fabrication typically except for very large columns with very heavy base plates such as for high rise buildings base plates are shop welded to the column.
X 0 058.
Width of base plate depth of the column section 2 thickness of gusset plate 80 mm to 100 mm.
Design f beam c lumn base plates and anch r r ds using fact red l ads directly in a manner c nsistent with the 0 51 3 ksi 14 in 4 42 8 k in.
F c p n f c 0 85 f c a 1 k 7717 0 kn 10 8 1 ratio 0 06 p u.
The bolts are cast into the concrete base in location tubes or cones and are fitted with anchor plates to prevent pull out.
Design of column base plates.