Is easier to erect.
Barn owl trust nest box.
Our signature product the patented barn owl box is now in use by thousands of orchards vineyards row crop farms and private land owners.
Nestboxes built by the trust come with hanging kits included apart from indoor boxes where one is not required.
We carry out practical conservation research and educational work advise farmers government and landowners and run a free information service.
Please avoid using hardwood ply unless it is stamped fsc approved.
If there s a large building that a barn owl can enter at 3 metres above the ground then this is almost certainly the best place to put a new barn owl nestbox.
For any barn owl nestbox less than 700mm deep an exercise landing platform below the entrance hole is vital for the safety of young fledglings.
The basic owl box should be built using rot resistant or tanalith e treated sheet material manufactured using a waterproof adhesive.
An ideal nesting box would be much bigger.
We also look after sick and injured owls in a genuine owl sanctuary a place of peaceful retreat.
No perch is necessary and adding one will only give footing to predators.
An owl box in a building.
A typical barn owl nest box has a six inch entrance hole that is suitable for a barn owl but too small for a great horned owl and the hole should be approximately four inches above the floor of the box.
The barn owl trust uses 12 mm tanalised softwood ply 25 x 50mm and 50 x 50mm tanalised batten with 40mm and 50mm rust resistant screws.
The dimensions given on the owl box diagram below are the minimum required size.
Or you can simply buy a barn owl trust nestbox for inside a building.
Delays due to covid 19 restrictions there may be a delay of up to 14 days before delivery.
Our owl boxes are superior quality easy to install and are maintenance free.
We sell and ship owl nest boxes bird houses and bat boxes anywhere in the world.
Our design is 11 ft3 with with nearly 6 ft2 of floor space.
A full 1 metre 3ft from the bottom of the entrance hole to the bottom of the box and with a floor area of at least 1 metre x 1 metre.
The barn owl trust is a uk charity which aims to conserve the barn owl and its environment.
All profits help to support our work.
Costs less or is quicker and cheaper to make.
Climbing jumping young birds can get from the platform onto the roof of the box and ideally onto other nearby perching places.
This innovative nest box is contributing to highly effective natural rodent control programs while reducing the use of pesticides and aiding in barn owl conservation in numerous states.
The ideal size for barn owl boxes is 1m 2 floor area x 1m depth but such big boxes are generally impractical.