For other species the size will vary.
Barn owl nest box plans.
Clean out boxes when the owls are not nesting.
Our design is 11 ft3 with with nearly 6 ft2 of floor space.
Barn owl nest boxes are easy to build.
Add a couple of inches of wood chips or dry leaves.
Owl nest box minimum standards the barn owl trust a leading authority on barn owls recommends increasing their nest box dimensions by 50 for the american barn owl equating to a floor dimension of 30 x 24 5 ft2 and a minimum of 10 ft3 for a box that is 24 deep.
Kentucky barn owls can nest at any time of year but nesting usually occurs from mid march through august.
Always use untreated wood such as fir cedar or pine.
Avoid facing the nest box north.
For barn owls a simple wooden box about 38 by 18 by 12 inches 1 by 5 by 3 m provides adequate room for a pair of owls and their young.
Ideal material is the female lays 1 to 11 white eggs between november and 3 8 inch or 1 2 inch plywood.
To create the entrance to the nesting box refer to the barn owl nesting box diagram below and position the two front panels side by side part a.
What to expect if your nest box becomes active.
Obtain information on the size of the owl species before you begin your owl box plans.
Barn owl nestboxes in the uk should be placed inside rural buildings that overlook open habitat.
Place a barn owl nest box at least 15 20 feet high but be sure the opening is shaded from the sun and wind.
Shaded areas in sparse woods streamside forests farmland suburban backyards and city parks.
One barn owl can cover over a mile and will eat between three and six mice each night approximately 2 000 mice yearly.
Avoid urban suburban dense forest and high mountain areas.
One barn owl can cover an area of over a mile and will eat between three and six mice each night approximately 2 000 mice yearly.
While this size can attract a breeding pair keep in mind that barn owls produce an extraordinary number of young seven is quite common.
Minimize disturbance around the nest site during the nesting period.
Too many barn owl box designs create a nest box that might be only 18 deep.
Nest boxes should be painted july.
Mark out the openings on to each of the front panel pieces and then cut out the opening with a jigsaw.
Smooth over the rough cut edges with a rasp and sandpaper.
Face the entry hole east or south where possible as the birds like to sit in the entranceway even during the day to soak up sunlight.
Barn owls will usually return to the same nest site year after year.
A family including chicks in one nest box can devour 8 000 mice in one year.
Nesting platforms can also be placed in barns steeples or silos if the owls will be able to access them easily.