Barn owl department of nest box plans and instructions agriculture natural resources conservation service davis ca 95616 the barn owl tyto alba is one of the most benefi cial owls in the world.
Barn owl box plans pdf.
Have someone help you push the sides together so.
Turn the box 180 degrees and attach the back side the same way you attached the front side.
Be sure it has a very open conspicuous entrance.
Foraging habitat is essential.
Box including a discussion of barn owl mortality rates.
Top of box to top of hole 50mm or 2 front back side side floor roof exercise platform please don t use tropical hardwood barn owl nestbox for a tree cutting plan 430mm or 16 9 720mm or 28 3 430mm or 16 9 720mm or 28 3 705mm or 27 7 400mm or 15 7 500mm or 19 7 430mm or 16 9 700mm or 27 5 730mm or 28 7 730mm or.
In urban areas barn owls do well as long as there are hunting grounds nearby like parks ball fields golf course cemetery.
Do not place the nest box in the woods.
If you have questions about whether a barn owl box would be appropriate in your location you might begin by browsing the section where to place the box.
2019 barn owl nest box plans and instructions site selection before installing a barn owl nest box be sure the property is appropriate.
The chance of a barn owl using the box increases if open habitat is plentiful in the area.
The barn owl box should face an area where you would expect a barn owl to hunt open habitat so that it is noticeable.
Otherwise you will have problems later.
One of the common resident.
If it is not right pull the sides apart and redo the step.
Microsoft word simmonsbarnowlboxfinal doc author.