If boxes are in the right habitat with sufficient prey available barn owls may nest in a range of box styles.
Barn owl box inside.
The barn owl box is put together with screws 8 deck screws and exterior glue.
Photo courtesy of lou saporito.
No perch is necessary and adding one will only give footing to predators.
By carolyn muse.
A box on the outside will only last about 10 15 years.
While this size can attract a breeding pair keep in mind that barn owls produce an extraordinary number of young seven is quite common.
An owl box in a building.
Owl nest box minimum standards the barn owl trust a leading authority on barn owls recommends increasing their nest box dimensions by 50 for the american barn owl equating to a floor dimension of 30 x 24 5 ft2 and a minimum of 10 ft3 for a box that is 24 deep.
About barn owl boxes.
Scrub the inside and outside of the box with boiling water and let it air dry.
What s needed in a barn owl home range.
Best option barn owl nestbox inside a building.
And keep your distance from the box to allow new barn owl families to discover their home.
This innovative nest box is contributing to highly effective natural rodent control programs while reducing the use of pesticides and aiding in barn owl conservation in numerous states.
Find out if your area is suitable for barn owls.
Our design is 11 ft3 with with nearly 6 ft2 of floor space.
Is easier to erect.
Barn owls which can be established in dense colonies eat high numbers of rodents and remain faithful to their nest sites have been shown to reduce rodent numbers at less cost than trapping or poisons.
Lay fresh sawdust on the floor.
Too many barn owl box designs create a nest box that might be only 18 deep.
An indoor barn owl nestbox is not suitable for outdoor use and an outdoor nestbox is much better placed in a tree because trees usually afford more shelter and owlets can sometimes climb a tree to re enter the box.
A box on the inside will last as long as the building.
It is helpful to drill 5 32 clearance holes for the screws 3 8 from the edge of the top front sides and back at the spots indicated in the drawings.
Eight 1 2 drain holes are drilled in the bottom approximately as shown.
A typical barn owl nest box has a six inch entrance hole that is suitable for a barn owl but too small for a great horned owl and the hole should be approximately four inches above the floor of the box.