September 28 2017 das gemälde von verkäufer andreas ist eine wahre sensation.
Bares für rares sensation.
Cedros ave suite 104 will have 90 seats indoors including 26 at the bar as well as 36 seats.
Da gerät nicht nur experte albert maier ins staunen.
Rekordfund bei bares für rares am 28 10 2016 zdf 2016.
Das gemälde von verkäufer andreas ist eine wahre sensation.
Recently not only a plate with the face of politician legend konrad adenauer was spotted but also a pomp clock that is said to have belonged to napoleon s family.
Anyone who is currently looking at bares for rares will be amazed.
The original rare society opened in november 2019 in university heights.
Sensationsfund bei bares für rares.
After all one has the feeling that one rare treasure after another is being presented on the show.