Be in control everywhere all the time bank muscat prepaid card is a reloadable prepaid card designed for everyday use bringing you convenience and simplicity.
Bank muscat atm card.
The newly opened branch is the 3rd branch launched in 2020 and adds to the bank s already excellent network of branches and a dedicated network of 44 atms cdms as well as free access to over 740 bank muscat atms and cdms across different governorates of the country.
Choose your card to explore your privileges.
Online mobile banking facilities from anywhere anytime.
Welcome to the exclusive world of bank muscat cards.
Bank muscat the leading financial services provider in the sultanate has announced that it will celebrate the momentous occasion of the 50 th national day with a special limited edition series of its prepaid cards and its asalah visa signature credit cards.
Add perks to your salary and earn instant value addition the bank muscat way by simply transferring your monthly salary.
The new bank muscat al jawhar visa debit card comes with the exclusive access to premium banking services and more.
You can have up to three cards with a maximum balance of ro 2 000.
Top up your card through your mobile banking app online banking or at your nearest bank muscat branch.
The look and feel of the cards will represent the achievements of this important milestone in the history of modern oman.
Customers can visit their nearest bank muscat or meethaq atm or bank muscat statement printing kiosk to create or reset the pin.
Easier and secure purchases and banking wherever you go the new bank muscat visa classic debit card isn t just a more powerful atm card but it opens up a whole new world of convenience when it comes to traveling shopping or dining.
Enhance your journey through wealth with bank muscat private banking visa infinite credit card.
The only debit card that offers lounges access to 50 lounges worldwide click here for more details.
Free sms alerts when salary is credited to the account.
Complimentary chauffer service to and from muscat international airport muscat only.
Payment of utility bills through various electronic channels.
Be it fast track banking services at select bank muscat branches or the higher atm cash withdrawal limits the card is designed with your lifestyle in mind and comes with great benefits for traveling shopping or dining.