Wir möchten ausdrücklich betonen dass keine sanktionen der europäischen union gegen unser haus verhängt wurden und stehen ihnen weiterhin mit unseren produkten und services in gewohnter qualität zur verfügung.
Bank melli hamburg.
Compliance anti money laundering and counter terrorist financing regulations.
Swift code melide21 is the unique bank identifier for bank melli iran s head office branch located in hamburg germany and it s used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers international wire transfers.
Compliance and money laundering the bank has developed a proficient compliance team with the aim of continuing full compliance with regulatory demands throughout the bank as well as providing timely and accurate guidance to the business.
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Bank melli iran operates under the brand of the same name bank melli iran which has presence in the following european countries and selected dependent territories of the european countries.
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It is also iran s national bank wholly owned by the government of iran goi and its biggest.
Bank melli iran holzbruecke 2 city.
Swift bic codes find swift codes or bic codes across all the banks in the world.
Melide21 xxx swift code bic bank melli iran in hamburg germany.
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The oldest iranian bank operating in germany is bank melli established in 1965 in hamburg.
November 2018 wurde bank melli iran hamburg vom swift netz suspendiert.
Anti money laundering law in i r.
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November 2018 bank melli iran hamburg was suspended from the swift network.
Arian bank kabul afghanistan mir business bank c j s c moscow russia melli bank plc london united kingdom future bank bahrain has overseas branches in the united arab emirates ras al khaimah al ain abu dhabi dubai fujairah and sharaj azerbaijan baku germany hamburg iraq baghdad and basra oman muscat and france.
We would like to emphasize that no sanctions have been imposed on our bank by the european union and we will continue to provide you with our products and services in the usual high quality.
Countering financing of terrorism bill.