Bambusa albifolia t h wen j j hua.
Bambusa nana variegata.
Bambusa caesia siebold zucc.
Arundarbor nana roxb kuntze.
Arundarbor multiplex lour kuntze.
Bambusa nana mitford invalid synonym.
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Bambusa floribunda büse zoll.
The most giant bamboo species may reach up to 38 m height and 80 cm trunk wide.
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Bambusa nana pleioblastus fortunei nana variegata this page shows the product details.
Arundinaria glaucescens willd p beauv.
Alphonse karri mitford ex satow makino ex shiros.
Bambusa variegata and bambusa glaucophylla are two synonymous botanical names for malay dwarf bamboo a clumping species of bamboo grown for its green and white variegated leaves.
They grow in any kind of wet soil.
It can be used to create a wonderful hedge a single bush or by trimming the lower branches a dense low canopy.
Bambusa is a large genus of about 130 species of bamboo.
At the bottom of the page the size of the product is displayed which can also be filtered by type form and pot clump.
Bambusa alphonse karrii mitford ex satow.