Rod rostlin z čeledi bambusovitých bambusa obecně zástupce této čeledi rostlina angličtina.
Bambus plural.
In reference to various types of bamboos or a collection of bamboos.
The jointed stem of bamboo used especially for building furniture and utensils.
Grammatische geschlecht von bambus ist maskulin und der bestimmte artikel ist der.
In more general commonly used contexts the plural form will also be bamboo.
References bambus in the bokmål dictionary.
Definition rechtschreibung synonyme und grammatik von bambus auf duden online nachschlagen.
Singular plural.
Plural genitiv dativ.
The voice of bambus is maskuline and the article der.
Any of various woody or arborescent grasses as of the genera bambusa arundinaria and dendrocalamus of the subfamily bambusoideae of tropical and temperate regions having hollow stems thick rhizomes and shoots that are used for food also.
Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache.
However in more specific contexts the plural form can also be bamboos e g.
Declension and plural of bambus the declension of the noun bambus is in singular genitive bambusses bambus and in the plural nominative bambusse.
The noun bambus is declined with the declension endings ses se.
Bambus m definite singular bambusen indefinite plural bambuser definite plural bambusene bamboo.
Plural bamboos definition of bamboo.
The noun bamboo can be countable or uncountable.
Das nomen bambus wird stark mit den deklinationsendungen ses se dekliniert.