Fargesia jiuzhaigou is a particularly ornate clumping bamboo.
Bambus fargesia jiuzhaigou.
This is a very attractive bamboo with unusual culm colours that makes it suitable as an excellent solitary specimen plant in a lawn or edge of the garden.
This unusual bamboo is the darkest colored form of jiuzhaigou collected from jiuzhaigou park in northern sichuan china by r.
Bambus je keř rostoucí do výšky.
Vesnic verde decorativ si puternic.
Bambusul creste intr un tufis ascendent.
Frunzele sunt mai intai de un rosu minunat apoi se fac galbene.
Takový je bambus jiuzhaigou fargesia.
Listy jsou nejprve krásně červené a později zežloutnou.
Asa este bambusul jiuzhaigou fargesia.
The canes are more erect than many other forms of clumping bamboo due to the lightness of the evergreen foliage.
Planta poate creste pana la 2 5 metri inaltime.
With the right amount of shade and sunlight the culms turn a crimson red.
Díky tomu budou viditelné stonky.
Ostříhejte listy a boční větve.
The narrow green foliage is small and dainty allowing the colour of the canes to shine.
Rostlina může dorůstat až do výšky 2 5 metru.
It was brought back to europe as a seedling in 1986 whereby it was gradually propagated and eventually made its way to the united states.
Fargesia jiuzhaigou 1 rolování listů.
Together with the thin culms and small delicate leaves this bamboo is one of the most remarkable clumping bamboos.
Jiuzhaigou na stránkách bambusy info naleznete mé zkušenosti s pěstováním bambusů v našich podmínkách informace o jejich zimovzdornosti odkazy na pěstitelské příručky knihy a filmy.
The canes age to a deep wine color with purple and red branches.
Tato rostlina vás upoutá.
A rare bamboo and a fairly new cultivar the maximium height is still unknown.
As with any of the fargesia jiuzhaigou family this is yet another beautiful specimen for those seeking a smaller bamboo with yellow culms.
Fargesia jiuzhaigou 2 exhibits a more open growth habit and vertical culms.
It is also a fairly upright member the fargesia genus due the very small leaves not bearing much weight on the tops of the culms.
Tundeti frunzele si ramurile laterale.
Fargesia nitida jiuzhaigou bamboo is also suited to uses as privacy screening or hedging.
Acest lucru pastreaza tulpina vizibila.
Výborný trsnatý bambus pro polostinná stanoviště vhodný i do menších zahrad.
This bamboo was collected in jiuzhaigou park in northern sichuan china by a german pharmacist named stephan wagner.
Very cold hardy here in the pacific northwest and well suited for the outdoor garden.
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