They are the largest members of the grass family and are the fastest growing in the world.
Bamboo as a building material for civil engineering projects.
Bamboo is a renewable and versatile resource characterized by high.
Bamboo is one of the oldest traditional building materials used by mankind.
Bamboo based materials are widely used too.
If we see in history bamboo was used for construction of houses in areas where there was abundance of plants especially in south america africa south east asia.
Bamboo is a biodegradable and renewable in nature.
After almost four decades of systematic research and development into bamboo there is sufficient scientific information to increase the use of bamboo as a substitute for the industrial and polluting materials in many applications of the construction industry.
It is widely used for many forms of construction in particular for housing in rural areas.
Bamboos are of notable economic and cultural significance in asia being used for building materials.
However with the advent of materials like concrete and steel its use has been signi cantly reduced in last 50 100.
Bamboo culms are used in building.
In fact within a 24 hour period bamboo can grow four feet.
The importance of bamboo products in any given region usually depends on the area s economic levels and their awareness towards sustainability.
Thin bamboo strips called as slivers of width 0 6 to 1 0mm are manually woven into a mat of different sizes and patterns of which herringbone is the most common pattern in which the slivers are at an angle of 45 0 with respect to the edges of the mat.
Climate and bamboo growth.
Bamboo is one of the oldest building materials.
Bamboo as a building material has high compressive strength and low weight has been one of the most used building material as support for concrete especially in those locations where it is found in abundance.
In its natural condition as solid culms halved culms or as longitudinally split strips bamboo has been used in almost all.
Bamboo usually grows at temperature of 250c to 500c the ideal place for growth of bamboo is fully water free area.
The use of bamboo as a building material whether primary secondary or occasional is common in areas where adequate bamboo grows in sufficient quantity.
The mat composites are manufactured by hot pressing the woven strips of bamboo.
This innovation was based on clemson s study that has been conducted in the clemson agricultural college.
Even though existence of bamboo has been found from centuries bamboo as reinforcement material is an innovation in the civil engineering construction field.
Bamboo has a long and well established tradition as a building material through out the world s tropical and sub tropical regions.
The thicker culms or strands made up of several culms are employed for load bearing materials such as girder purlin post or rafter.