To jest bardzo zły zbieg okoliczności ten proces szedł bardzo niedobrze.
Badly deutsch.
In a way that is not acceptable or of good quality.
He behaved badly in school.
With great intensity bad is a nonstandard variant for badly.
If something is done badly or goes badly it is not very successful or effective.
Over 100 000 german translations of english words and phrases.
This is a very bad coincidence this process has gone very badly.
German translation of badly the official collins english german dictionary online.
Bedeutung aussprache übersetzungen und beispiele.
The buildings were badly shaken.
The word bad is an adjective and should be used to modify nouns and pronouns.
Englisch englisch chinesisch englisch französisch englisch deutsch.
Mal de maneira ruim gravemente bastante muito de maneira imprópria.
Das führt schließlich dazu daß sogar die kontrolleure und kontrollversuche der eu als unverschämte einmischung oder unangenehme feindselige handlung.
Treated his parents.
The injury hurt badly.
That is when you get cheating and bad supervision and when even the eu s inspectors and their attempts to carry out inspections are viewed as abusive meddling or as disagreeable acts of hostility.
Badly like most words ending in ly is an adverb and is used to modify verbs.
English german online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
Learn more in the cambridge english portuguese dictionary.
Dict cc übersetzungen für badly im englisch deutsch wörterbuch mit echten sprachaufnahmen illustrationen beugungsformen.
We need water bad in a disobedient or naughty way.
Behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room evilly or wickedly.
In a severe and harmful way.
Meanly messily in an ugly manner ugly.
The thing that trips most people up is that linking verbs such as to be and to feel take adjectives rather than adverbs.