Manual petrol 1961 36 748 km.
Badewanne ford taunus 17m.
Glatte linien statt barocker formen sorgten für den spitznamen badewanne.
The ford taunus p3 was a commercial success.
The car s 1 7 liter 60 horse four isn t currently running but the car looks complete and will roll.
Abgelöst wurde er vom taunus 17 m der baureihe p5.
Presentación de este ford de dos puertas un taunus 17m super p3 ts de 1962.
Its weight was featherweight compared to opel and mercedes.
Hier finden sie aktuelle ford taunus 17m gebrauchtwagen angebote bei autoscout24 dem europaweit größten online automarkt.
Ford taunus 17m 17m ts p3 modell 17m 1 5 liter 17m 1 7 liter 17m ts 1 75 liter 09 61 08 64 bis 08 63 ab 09 63 bis 08 63 ab 09 63 motor.
Der taunus p3 der seinerzeit im volksmund wegen seiner form badewanne genannt wurde gilt heute als design meilenstein.
1960 überraschte ford mit dem modern gezeichneten taunus 17m p3.
Manuel essence 1961 36 748 km.
So it was called badewanne bath tub in germany.
Ford taunus 17m p3 badewanne original 36 748 km.
Ford taunus 1960 taunus 1960 taunus 17m 1961 ford taunus 1970.
At a time when competitors boasted that all four corners of the vehicles were visible from the driver s seat the new taunus instead offered a streamlined form.
The ford taunus p3 had a completely new body in a very modern style.
The first model produced entirely with savings in mind was produced in 1969 1970.
The look of car reminded some critics of a bath tub and it consequently gained the soubriquet taunus badewanne.
Members of the press had apparently competed to find a suitably disrespectful epithet to describe the controversially styled first taunus 17m and it was in the same tradition that the new 17m for 1960 became known as the badewannetaunus bath tub taunus.