The baden wuerttemberg group 2 5 people day train ticket covers all public transportation buses trams u bahns s bahns regional trains in the german state of baden wuerttemberg and a few places beyond its borders except the fast long distance ic ec and ice trains however there are no such trains on this route.
Baden w ttemberg ticket ic.
The baden württemberg day train ticket should be valid on almost all public transportation within this german state with the exception of fast long distance trains such as the ic ec and ice.
Preise geltungsdauer geltungsbereich und vieles mehr.
But but a baden württemberg ticket is only valid on regional trains not on ic or ice and mon fri only valid from 09 00 weekends valid all day.
Hello expert can someone refesh my memory please.
Please note that some tickets have other periods of validity.
Sie können an einem tag ihrer wahl von 9 uhr bis 3 uhr des nächsten tages reisen an wochenenden gesetzlichen feiertagen und am 24.
The same ticket also entitles for travel to selected cities outside the state such as basel and konstanz in switzerland würzburg and lindau in the neighboring state of bavaria.
Answer 11 of 20.
The validity of the ticket also extends beyond its border including lindau bavaria and basel switzerland among other places.
The ticket can be used on all regional trains within baden württemberg except intercity ic intercityexpress ice eurocity ec and some special trains as well as on almost all public buses and for all vehicles of the transport associations within baden württemberg.
The baden wuerttemberg day train ticket includes all non ice ic ec trains within baden wuerttemberg and all public transportation within it.
However outside of baden wuerttemberg although places can be reached by train on this ticket public transportation such as buses trams and u bahns aren t included.
If you buy your ticket in advance you can save a lot of money on a normal ticket which is valid on ic ice.
Information on regional day ticket for baden württemberg valid from 09 00 until 03 00 on the following day all day on weekends public holidays and on 24 and 31 december.
Mulhouse stuttgart will take about 3 hours by ic ice and 4 to 5 by regional trains.
Profitieren sie von den günstigen ländertickets der deutschen bahn.
Information on regional day ticket for bavaria.
In this case you would need to buy a ticket from mulhouse to neuenburg and use the baden württemberg ticket from there.
Zusätzliche gültige strecken des baden württemberg tickets und des des regioxtickets außerhalb baden württembergs sowie weitere antworten auf fragen zum bwtarif finden sie in unseren faqs.
But it is valid starting at midnight during weekend.
And i can purchase it from stuttgart.
It is good on buses trams u bahns s bahns and regional trains.
Alle informationen zum baden württemberg ticket anderen regionalen tickets für für baden württtemberg auf einen blick.
Baden württemberg ticket der bahn ab 2.