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Baden württemberg landscape.
In the landscape column large scale or high central uplands are shown in bold italics are used to indicate landscapes or local areas of upland or valleys sometimes dominated by just an isolated hill.
Municipality stromberg landscape a region in baden wurttemberg stromberg oelde a town in oelde germany stromberg surname stromberg surname ole structures by.
Baden württemberg is a federal state bundesland in germany.
Its world famous black forest and the celebrated romantic city of heidelberg are top tourist destinations within germany and central europe but there is much more to see.
In the west the scenery is characterized by the black forest and the rhine plain in the south by lake constance and the ridge of the alps in the east by the swabian alb hills and in the north by the hohenloh plain and the uplands of the kraichgau region.
Its geographical boundaries are the main river to the north the iller river to the east the waters of lake constance bodensee and the upper rhine to the south and the widening rhine valley to the west.
Here is a short list of highlights amongst these 3 439 landscapes.
Baden württemberg is one of germany s most geographically varied states with the forests of the upland regions alternating with fertile highlands green meadows lakes and marshes.
Germany baden wuerttemberg beech forest forest road in autumn stock photography westend61.
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Clicking on the word list in the lists column leads to an article that describes or lists other mountains and hills in that landscape or region.
Landscape in baden wurttemberg starf.
Baden württemberg is part of the southern german speaking world where dialect and tradition remain strong.