The sommerberg funicular railway.
Bad wildbad sommerberg.
The neighbourhood is picturesque the most attractive spot being the wildsee a small lake some distance from the town itself measuring 2 3 ha and at about.
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All photos 43 all photos.
It is historically a popular medicinal spa.
Tourist information könig karl straße 5 75323 bad wildbad tel.
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Stadtverwaltung kernerstraße 11 75323 bad wildbad tel.
Direkt am baumwipfelpfad schwarzwald und der hängebrücke wildline.
It covers a vertical difference of about 300 m.
See all restaurants in bad wildbad.
Vehicle museum fahrzeug museum marxzell forellenpark kleinenztal.
Towering above bad wildbad is a small mountain the wildbader sommerberg whose top may be reached by the sommerbergbahn a funicular railway.
Die standseilbahn verkehrt seit 1908 zwischen bad wildbad und dem sommerberg.
Heermannsweg 5 75323 bad wildbad baden württemberg germany 49 7081 380020 website add hours.