Having this problem on your computer fully indicates that your windows operating system s pool header got corrupt or maybe having some problem in it.
Bad pool header windows xp.
If this screen appears again follow these steps.
The bad pool entry.
Bad pool header if this is the first time you ve seen this stop error screen restart your computer.
Problems with a hard drive or ram such as the inability to process tasks utilizing the hard drive or ram can cause this error.
For questions on ntbackup backup on win2k3.
Blue screen bad pool caller 0x00000c2 is a windows error that occurs due to invalid registry entries and incorrectly configured system settings.
The bad pool header error can occur in windows when there s a problem with physical memory in the computer.
Below are some of the more common ways to fix this error.
The bad entry that caused the miscalculation.
The pool block header size is corrupted it is too large.
The pool block header size is corrupt.
If this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.
Device driver issues are probably the msot common but this can have diverse causes including bad.
Bad pool header a pool header issue is a problem with windows memory allocation.
The pool block header s previous size is too large.
Recover windows to an earlier copy.
I get a bad pool header on bsod after trying to backup my windows xp pro computer to my new acer homeserver running windows homeserver 2003.
Bsod bad pool caller 0x00000c2 error is an identical error that is also known for its bug check error code 0x00000c2.
The bad pool header or you say bad pool caller both are the identical errors which also known for its bug check error code of 0x000000c2.