Using this software you can fix registry and never get this message again.
Bad pool header windows 8.
Problems with a hard drive or ram such as the inability to process tasks utilizing the hard drive or ram can cause this error.
The bad pool header is an error occurring on a blue screen of death bsod an error or error 0x00000019 code that appears when windows encounters a critical problem from which it cannot recover.
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Usually the bad pool header error is caused by the windows memory allocation problems.
If your computer does not progress and is only stuck at the blue screen enter into.
Bad pool header is most frequent bsod error nowadays.
I will soon upload the software.
How to fix bad pool header in windows 7 8 8 1 and vista method 1.
Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer except for the mouse and the keyboard.
On windows 8 and windows 10 systems the error code is replaced with the bad pool header code instead your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart.
Recover windows to an earlier copy.
Simply put this issue often occurs after installing new hardware or software always the antivirus software which doesn t work with the computer.
The bad pool header error can occur in windows when there s a problem with physical memory in the computer.
Enter into safe mode.
We re just collecting some error info and then we ll restart for you.
Below are some of the more common ways to fix this error.
It is said that reinstalling windows fixes all the problems it will be a nice fresh start for you.