This error can be caused by the following.
Bad pool header windows 7 won t boot.
If there is any recently installed software you can uninstall it to.
Enter into safe mode.
How to fix bad pool header.
The bad pool header error can occur in windows when there s a problem with physical memory in the computer.
Having this problem on your computer fully indicates that your windows operating system s pool header got corrupt or maybe having some problem in it.
If your computer does not progress and is only stuck at the blue screen enter into.
Recover windows to an earlier copy.
This error states that a process went into the memory pool and it did not succeed in removing itself properly thus corrupting the header of the memory pool.
Below are some of the more common ways to fix this error.
If you have installed any hardware recently uninstall it now.
Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer except for the mouse and the keyboard.
Driver conflict or outdated drivers.
Uninstall recently installed software.
How to fix bad pool header in windows 7 8 8 1 and vista method 1.