Steps to fix bad pool header error.
Bad pool header windows 10 dell.
Sa 1903 bsod bad pool caller windows 10.
Hi i recently purchased alienware 17 r3 intel 6700hq 16gb ram 256gb ssd 1tb hdd windows 10 when i m using my computer it automatically restarts leading to windows blue screen saying bad pool header.
Validated pcs tested for windows 10 may 2019 update build 1903 19h1 if your pc model is on the approved list above dell is investigating the sa bsod bad pool caller if your pc model is not on the approved list above you should.
Some dell precision workstation users have reported bad pool header errors in windows 7 8 1 10 causing the system to restart.
My pc will launch on windows 10 with all networking turned off.
Vpn software is useful but certain vpn software such as dell sonic global vpn has issues with windows 10.
This is one of the more difficult errors to troubleshoot.
This error basically means that something went into the memory pool and did not remove itself properly.
Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks regards rukshan.
It could be for a number of reasons.
I have a newer within past few months dell latitude e7450 with office365 and some developer apps installed.
Resolving a bad pool caller bsod against the irst driver.
This issue has only been reported on precision workstations xps alienware and other systems with both the skylake chipset and a nvme high performance ssd.
It was confirmed by the users that this software can cause bad pool header bsod error to appear.
Remove windows 1903 install sa.
Solution 1 uninstall dell sonic global vpn.
I get the above blue screen immediately upon turning on either wired or wireless network access.
Windows bad pool header or 0xd1 driver irql not less or equal error.
If you have a windows blue screen error bad pool header error 0x00000019 you may be able to gain some basic information on the code alone.