When this error message occurs the screen turns blue and locks the user out of the application running on the system.
Bad pool header error windows 7.
Just work your way down the list until you find the one that works for you.
If you are using windows 7 you will receive a bad pool header with a stop 0x00000019 error code as follows.
The bad pool header or you can say bad pool header both are the same bsod errors which also known for its bug check error code of 0x00000019.
You may not have to try them all.
You can say this error popped on your pc r.
The bad pool header error can occur in windows when there s a problem with physical memory in the computer.
Fixes for bad pool header windows 7 here are 5 fixes that have helped other users resolve the bad pool header in window 7 issue.
Get the fix to the 0x00000019.
Problems with a hard drive or ram such as the inability to process tasks utilizing the hard drive or ram can cause this error.
Reasons for bad pool header error 0x00000019 usually the bad pool header error is caused by the windows memory allocation problems.
Bad pool header is one of the types of bsod blue screen of death error codes.
You are most probably here because your windows pc just displayed you bad pool header error in windows 7 8 or 8 1.
Below are some of the more common ways to fix this error.
It might be the end of your computer if you are not able to fix it immediately.
The computer shuts down or restarts.
Bad pool header error message affecting windows vista windows 7 windows 8 windows 8 1 and windows 10.
One of the dreading problems you might encounter in a windows pc is a blue screen of death.
Recover windows to an earlier copy.
Update your device drivers.
But what is a bad pool header in windows 7 and how to fix it.