A bad pool header issue is caused due to problems with windows.
Bad pool header error windows 10.
To sum up you should undo any changes.
According to several reports from microsoft community.
How to fix bad pool header in windows 10.
Now it is time for you to take a few steps back.
Soon after that boot up windows 10 again to see if bad pool header bsod disappeared and if you are able to login in.
Disable fast startup in windows 10.
Methods you can use to fix bad pool header bsod error in windows 10 1.
If you are unable to do launch windows 10 and stuck on stop code bad pool header windows 10 won t boot on login in screen enter the safe mode at the very beginning from startup.
Uninstall recently installed hardware.
By default the fast startup option will be enabled and in several.
Enter the safe mode.
This indicates that a pool header is corrupt.
It may also occur due to ram errors.
If you have installed any hardware recently uninstall it now.
Uninstall recently installed software.
If there is any recently installed software you can uninstall it to.
Unplug your external devices.
It was confirmed by the users that this software can cause bad pool header bsod error to appear.
The bad pool header stop error in windows 10 8 7 signified with the error code 0x00000019 indicates that the pool header is corrupted.
Disable windows indexing service to fix bad pool header bsod.
The first fix to be carried out implies disconnecting all your external pieces of.
Bad pool header with error code 0x00000019 is one of the many blue screen of death bsod or stop errors that occur when windows experience a problem with memory allocation due to failing storage drive corrupt device driver bad sectors and other hard drive issues.
5 fixes for the bad pool header blue screen error in windows 10 update all drivers temporarily disable third party antivirus applications disable fast startup disconnect external devices check for faulty ram.