This error can be caused by the following.
Bad pool header blue screen windows 10.
Anti virus anti malware programs.
This indicates that a pool header is corrupt.
Damaged windows registry entries.
While there are many causes here are the most common causes that lead to bad pool header error.
The bad pool header or you can say bad pool header both are the same bsod errors which also known for its bug check error code of 0x00000019.
Having this problem on your computer fully indicates that your windows operating system s pool header got corrupt or maybe having some problem in it.
The bad pool header error the 0x00000019 code is one of those scary blue screen of death bsod issues that can give you the creeps and force you to think that your computer is all but at death s door.
The bad pool header bug check has a value of 0x00000019.
This error states that a process went into the memory pool and it did not succeed in removing itself properly thus corrupting the header of the memory pool.
The bad pool header stop error in windows 10 8 7 signified with the error code 0x00000019 indicates that the pool header is corrupted.
Driver conflict or outdated drivers.
5 fixes for the bad pool header blue screen error in windows 10 update all drivers temporarily disable third party antivirus applications disable fast startup disconnect external devices check for faulty ram.
The good news is it isn t as the problem in question is proven to be pretty fixable.
Please help me to solve this problem.
Hi i recently purchased alienware 17 r3 intel 6700hq 16gb ram 256gb ssd 1tb hdd windows 10 when i m using my computer it automatically restarts leading to windows blue screen saying bad pool header.
Bad ram or hdd ssd.
Corrupted windows system files.