Bad pool caller is a blue screen of death error often caused by hardware or software incompatibility driver errors or overclocking.
Bad pool caller windows 10.
Visit troubleshoot blue screen errors for more info.
What is a bad pool caller in windows 10.
Bad pool caller overview users are distressed when their computer meets with bsod on windows 10 with the error bad pool caller.
You can run the built in check to see if your ram is at fault.
Validated pcs tested for windows 10 may 2019 update build 1903 19h1 if your pc model is on the approved list above dell is investigating the sa bsod bad pool caller if your pc model is not on the approved list above you should.
Remove windows 1903 install sa.
A pool is windows speak for memory allocated to drivers.
Bad pool caller is a bsod error that occurs on windows 10 8 7.
This particular problem occurs when a program tries to use a processor thread that doesn t exist or is.
In device manager at the top select scan for hardware changes.
To fix this problem you have to use sfc scannow command to scan and repair windows system files.
If it is the first time that your pc goes into the blue screen of death restart to see if it can back to work correctly.
It indicates that your windows computer makes a bad pool request.
While if not you need to use more concert methods to prevent your pc from crashing and freezing.
Faulty ram is a very common reason for a blue screen of death problem such as bad pool caller.
How do i fix bad pool caller.
Check and verify if any faulty ram or hardware firstly remove all ram sticks from your computer and clean all ram slots.
The windows 10 bad pool caller is often caused by driver errors or by overclocking.
What does stop code bad pool caller mean.
Select the start button then select power restart.
1 on your keyboard press the windows logo keyand r at the same time to invoke a run command.
The required files can t be read are unavailable or being used by other processes.
Updating windows 10 your drivers and running the sfc scan are all quick solutions detailed in this guide to fix bad pool caller errors.
Bad pool caller before getting into the solution you should know the reason of this issue.
Pool errors are often where either the allocated memory.