Start date oct 25 2016.
Bad pool caller ntoskrnl exe.
They seem to be coming from 2 files ntoskrnl exe and v0790vid sys.
You can run the built in check to see if your ram is at fault.
Oct 25 2016 1 tried everything still happening.
2494 biosversion v2 04 biosreleasedate 09 14 2012 systemmanufacturer acer systemproductname aspire v3 571.
Type mdsched exe in the run box and press enter.
One of the frequently encountered stop.
I did and it fixed the problem for a.
Start date mar 22 2010.
Computer keeps throwing up bsod with bad pool caller id.
Nt kernel system.
Oct 25 2016 3 0 1 510 0.
This was probably caused by the following module.
Faulty ram is a very common reason for a blue screen of death problem such as bad pool caller.
Mar 22 2010 1 bsod bad pool caller ntoskrnl exe.
If anyone can.
I would run a scan and it would say ntoskrnl exe but i wasn t sure what it meant so i called dell and they told me to restart my computer and repair it.
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These are stop errors or blue screens.
1 on your keyboard press the windows logo keyand r at the same time to invoke a run command.
0xc2 0x7 0x126c 0x0 0xffffe000d0e7a848 error.
Microsoftr windowsr operating system company.