It is a bug check has a value of 0x000000c2.
Bad pool caller error code.
Type mdsched exe in the run box and press enter.
In other words it is to say windows system find it cannot execute this process for the required resources are corrupted or unavailable on windows 10.
1 on your keyboard press the windows logo keyand r at the same time to invoke a run command.
You can search for this stop code bad pool caller error online bad pool caller this blue screen error code problem is a blue screen error also called as the bsod error code problem.
In other words if a bad pool request has been made by a thread in the processor you can get the bad pool caller stop error displayed on your screen.
Windows operating system stores a series of needed files in the data pool.
You can run the built in check to see if your ram is at fault.
While the bad pool caller bug check error code 0x000000c2 means that a processor thread had made a bad pool request.
And the data pool allows your computer to read all needed files whenever it needs them.
How do i fix bad pool caller.
The bad pool header or you say bad pool caller both are the identical errors which also known for its bug check error code of 0x000000c2.
0x000000xx to specify the type of error.
How to fix bad pool caller error in windows 10 8 bad pool caller windows bad pool header windows this error is occurred in windows 7 windows 8 windows 8 1 wi.
Bad pool caller is a blue screen of death error often caused by hardware or software incompatibility driver errors or overclocking.
Methods to fix bad pool caller bad pool caller error this bsod error message displays whenever a call for a specific application file or setting failed.
It s usually followed by a set of letters and numbers often in the form stop code.
Faulty ram is a very common reason for a blue screen of death problem such as bad pool caller.
What is a bad pool caller in windows 10.
The bad pool caller error is a kind of windows blue screen of death bsod error often comes with a stop error code 0x000000c2.
Having this problem on your computer fully indicates that your windows operating system s pool header got corrupt or maybe having some problem in it.