If problems continue disable or removed any new hardware or software.
Bad pool caller dell.
I have dell xps 15 59575 and win10 1903 and i have bad pool caller issue.
Get answers from your peers along with millions of it pros who visit spiceworks.
So first off i removed the midiman 2x2 drivers and re booted.
Dell wyse tx0 t10 factory reset.
Your windows computer can t read a specific file or some settings which it needs.
Dell sa causes a bad pool caller blue screen crash on the new windows 10 1903 update on my xps 13 9360 warranty expired on 11 27 18.
4 people had this problem.
452 560 followers follow.
Samuel dell social media and community professional.
I had problems adding a new printer my screen told me to reinstall the windows xp professional disk so we did and it got down to 34 minutes left then goes to the blue screen of death and says bad pool caller it tells me to check to see if any new hardware or software is installed correctly.
Sa was uninstalled before that.
1 copper mark as new.
This indicates that the current thread is making a bad pool request.
1 solution accepted solutions highlighted.
Remove windows 1903 install sa.
Uninstalling dell sa fixes the problem.
If you need to use safe mode press f8 on start up.
Resolving a bad pool caller bsod against the irst driver.
Driver power state failure while was trying to update the vega m driver to the last one.
Disable bios memory options and tells me if i need to enter a safe mode press f 8 technical.
0x000000c2 if this is the first time you have seen this screen check any new hardware or software is installed correctly.
T o make it easy to understand a thread in your processor is asking to use resources that are unavailable nonexistent or in used by other thread.
Laptop with this issue is a new.
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Sometimes i receive bsod.
9 kudos all forum topics.
With sa installed it is more frequent but without sa the problem also exists.
Disable bios memory options such as caching or shadowing.
Your computer is asking to use resources that are unavailable nonexistent or in use by other threads.
Group sponsored by dell.
Also just received another bsod.
The bad pool caller bug check has a value of 0x000000c2.
Bad pool caller dell support assist.
Steps to fix dell supportassist bad pool caller 0x00000c2 blue screen error fix blue screen errors with error 0x00000c2 when you install supportassist fix d.
If your windows 10 8 7 computer appears the bad pool caller bsod error it means a thread in your processor has made a bad pool request.