The unforgettable fire 1984 if you twist and turn away if you tear yourself in two again if i could yes i would if i could i would let it go surrender dislocate if i could throw this lifeless lifeline to the wind leave this heart of clay see you walk walk away.
Bad lyrics u2.
If you twist and turn away if you tear yourself in two again if i could yes i would if i could i would let it go.
Bad is a very important song for the band on a number of levels.
This is this is a song about the city we grew up in.
If you twist and turn away if you tear yourself in two again if i could yes i would if i could i would let it go surrender dislocate if i could throw this lifeless lifeline to the wind leave this heart of clay see.
U2 lyrics bad if you twist and turn away if you tear yourself in two again if i could yes i would if i could i would let it go surrender dislocate if i could throw this lifeless lifeline to the wind leave this heart of clay see you walk walk away into the night and through the rain into the half light and through the flame if i could through myself set your spirit free i d.
Lyrics to bad by u2.
A song about dublin city.
U2 bad lyrics.
Thematically the song is about heroin addiction though lead vocalist bono has given varying accounts of who was the inspiration behind his lyrics.
Bad is a song by irish rock band u2 and the seventh track on their 1984 album the unforgettable fire.
Their performance at live aid in 1985 was a highlight of the concert and brought u2 a broader audience and greater acclaim as.
And a song about a drug called heroin that s tearing our city in two that s tearing the the heart out of the city of dublin tearing the heart out of the city of chicago.
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U2 bad lyrics.