Bad leonfelden has direct access to 1km 1 miles of downhill skiing with 3 marked pistes served by a total of 2 ski lifts.
Bad leonfelden.
The 1 best value of 13 places to stay in bad leonfelden.
Bad leonfelden is located in.
The actual snow depth in bad leonfelden on any given piste or itinerary may be dramatically different particularly if the snowfall is accompanied by high winds and or.
österreich oberösterreich bad leonfelden.
The forecast snowfall depths given are the likely average accumulations for the lower and upper slopes.
2 best value of 13 places to stay in bad leonfelden.
For active holiday makers the falkensteiner hotel spa bad leonfelden is the perfect choice.
Places to see ways to wander and signature experiences.
Ski snowboard areas.
Falkensteiner hotel spa bad leonfelden.
Die region bad leonfelden ist ein einzigartiger natur schau platz der vieles für körper geist und seele zu bieten hat.
3 best value of 13 places to stay in bad leonfelden.
From the hotel you can reach various hiking trails around sternstein and the moorland.
Travelling by public transport.
Create a trip to save and organize all of your travel ideas and see them on a map.
Bad leonfelden from linz to summerau linz hörsching.
The austrian ski resort of bad leonfelden is in the austrian alps at an altitude of 749m 2 457ft with 1km 1 miles of marked runs.
The skiing is at relatively low altitude so snow cover can be variable.
In addition the hotel offers a.
Die kurstadt bad leonfelden ist der aktive mittelpunkt der tourismusregion mühlviertler hochland.
Vom heilkräftigen leonfeldner moor oder umfangreichem wellness und entspannungsangebot über zahlreiche sportliche aktivitäten ob skifahren wandern radfahren bis hin zu.
Best of bad leonfelden.
This snow forecast for bad leonfelden austria gives the predicted snowfall and freezing levels for the next week.
Bad leonfelden is a municipality in the district of urfahr umgebung in the austrian state of upper austria steven beller author of a concise history of austria who has family links to bad leonfelden cites episodes from the town s history from its foundation in 1292 to the 21st century to demonstrate the impact of historical and political events on the local life in austria s rural provinces.
Guests can explore the fantastic nature of mühlviertel with e bikes and segways or experience the picturesque landscape via winter snowshoeing or cross country skiing.
Find detailed maps for österreich oberösterreich bad leonfelden on viamichelin along with road traffic and weather information the option to book accommodation and view information on michelin restaurants and michelin green guide listed tourist sites for bad.
Start planning for bad leonfelden.
The 10 best bad leonfelden hotels.
Bad leonfelden tourismusinformation bad leonfelden hauptplatz 19 4190 bad leonfelden 43 7213 6397 43 7213 6397 13 office muehlviertlerhochland at www muehlviertlerhochland at.