Sen we studied 32 patients with central cord syndrome who were managed conservatively.
Bad k en reha.
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The transition between proto myofibroblast and differentiated myofibroblast is essentially due to the combined action of the splice variant ed a of cellular fibronectin 9 and tgf β 10 11 particularly tgf β1 which is first produced by phagocytic cells and then probably under the influence of mechanical tension is also produced by proto myofibroblasts and thus initiates a.
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It allowed those infected and affected by the polio virus to continue to live even with the loss of nerve function to their diaphragm.
It is most commonly associated with the use of high concentration of lignocaine and continuous spinal block both of which are not currently recommended in obstetric practice.
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Six were under 50 years of age group 1 16 between 50 and 70 years group 2 and ten over 70 years.
Asthma symptoms can vary in severity with time can come and go there may be good and bad periods.
In this study we investigate the cumulative effects of the short term inverse occlusion in adults and old children with amblyopia.
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The effective management of chronic wounds may be considered under the world health organization who primary secondary and tertiary prevention models 7.
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The iron lung was a desperate and ingenious solution for the ravages of polio.
In order to study the quick rehabilitation clinical effects and survivorship of percutaneously drilling and decompression through femoral head and neck fenestration combined bone grafting in the treatment of early stages of onfh we conducted this retrospective cohort study to compare our modified operation with conventional cd combining bone grafting.
Sen vardhman medical college and safdarjang hospital new delhi on 20th april 2015.
Recent laboratory findings suggest that short term patching of the amblyopic eye i e inverse occlusion results in a larger and more sustained improvement in the binocular balance compared with normal controls.
The content of this module has been validated by dr manas k.
This is a prospective cohort study of 18 amblyopes.