The bowler hat guy is the secondary antagonist of disney s 2007 animated feature film meet the robinsons.
Bad guy meet the robinsons cast.
Voiced by ethan sandler.
He dreams of being adopted one day but the strong inventor streak in him always if accidentally undermines any such family future.
He is mature for his age as he is willing to let go.
Lewis is a brilliant inventor who meets mysterious stranger named wilbur robinson whisking lewis away in a time machine and together they team up to track down bowler hat guy in a showdown that ends with an unexpected twist of fate.
Anderson as an adult and matthew josten as a young boy.
Bowler hat guy grandpa bud tallulah voice as stephen john anderson ethan sandler doris ceo spike dmitri laszlo fritz petunia voice.
Voiced by nicole sullivan and 2 others.
Stanley meet the robinsons t.
1 background 1 1 personality 1 2 physical appearance 2 role in the film 3 disney parks 4 gallery 5 trivia as a 12 year old boy michael is more interested in baseball than his roommate s inventing hobby.
Voiced by stephen j anderson and 3 others.
Directed by stephen anderson the film s voice cast includes daniel hansen jordan fry wesley singerman angela bassett tom selleck harland williams laurie metcalf nicole sullivan adam west ethan sandler tom kenny and anderson.
Voiced by matthew josten and 1 other.
With daniel hansen wesley singerman angela bassett jordan fry.
Voiced by harland williams and 4 others.
Directed by stephen j.
Cast daniel hansen lewis jordan fry lewis wesley singerman wilbur angela bassett mildred tom selleck cornelius robinson harland williams carl laurie metcalf lucille krunklehorn nicole sullivan franny adam west uncle art ethan sandler doris ceo uncle spike uncle dmitri cousin laszlo uncle fritz aunt petunia ethan sandler.
He was voiced by stephen j.
Michael goob yagoobian a k a.