Regardless of which form i use or how many boxes i tick it won t let me make an account.
Bad captcha response.
Steam has a problem with malfunctioning captcha users complain that they cannot create new steam accounts or change their passwords.
I will also show you to pass the recaptcha without any problem.
The blame for this lies with captcha which cannot be answered correctly.
Apr 2 2015 4 38pm hi there.
Is the server down or something i look but dont see any issiue but no matter how i go about this last part of registration it fails i try with space without space no caps all caps half of the time the list contains 1 capitol according to the comment saying case sensative but in the list they have capitols like g y which i dont seem to be able to pick because to me those are caps and g y are not.
So i ve been trying to make a steam account for about 20 minutes now but haven t been able to do so.
I keep getting told by steam that i am giving a bad captcha response.
Captchas those distorted letters and numbers that you have to type before you can submit some entry forms aim to block cheaters from using bots and scripts which helps legitimate sweepstakes fans.
In this video i am going to show you how to create new steam account without any problem.