Blue nevi can look either black or blue and usually look like a freckle on your gums.
Baby teething gums blue.
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A blue nevus is a harmless mole that s round and either flat or lightly raised.
If you were to look at your crying toddler and see a bluish purple lump on their gums you might be fairly unnerved.
Rub your baby s gums.
No one s sure what causes blue.
Bleeding could also be caused by bacteria that cause inflammation.
This is a fairly common development and is known as an eruption cyst or eruption hematoma.
Safe and non toxic objects that baby can chew apply counter pressure to aching gums.
Eruption cysts in teething babies.
If your teething baby seems uncomfortable consider these simple tips.
Sometimes teeth incisors in the front of the mouth or molars in the back can end up turning the gums a blue or gray color.
For uniformity throughout the article i will simply refer to them as eruption cysts.
As children get older usually around 6 years old new teeth begin to erupt then as well.
A baby may also have some tenderness swelling bruising and pain associated with erupting teeth.
Run your fingertip gently across your baby s gums to feel for swelling or a sharp emerging tooth.
Baltic amber necklaces release an oil that contains succinic acid a natural anti inflammatory.
The pressure can ease your baby s discomfort.
Use a clean finger or wet gauze to rub your baby s gums.
Many parents worry when they find that their young child or baby has a bluish purple bump on their gums.
With inflamed gums eating can be uncomfortable especially for toddlers who eat solid foods.
Some babies even develop a small bluish cyst where the tooth will emerge.
Look for any swelling or bulges.
Open baby s mouth and instead of pretty and pink those gums are big and red.
A cold spoon or chilled not frozen teething ring can be soothing on a baby s gums.
Finding a lesion bump or bruise on your child s body can be very frightening for a parent especially when the onset is sudden and has no obvious cause.
Gently push back your baby s lips so you can see his gums.
Posted january 28 2014 by riverside dental group.
It is normal for a baby s gums to bleed a bit while teething.